





A. 在订单打印单上,将收花人电话加粗,并准备一个以上备用电话,以降低售后投诉率。

B. 上传图像功能已得到广大 flower shop 和经销商的一致好评,可极大程度减少经销商与 flower shop 的沟通成本。

C. 花款结算周期以 flower shop 点击确认送达时间为准开始记录,请确保在完成送达之后点击“确认发送”,以便于货款及时结算到账。

D. 遇事保持冷静,如遇无法处理的情况(如联系不上下单方或与下单方发生纠纷),请及时保存相关证据截图(如聊天记录、通话记录和包装照片等)。

推荐鲜-cut flowers:

鲜-cut Flower Name: 恒久誓言

鲜-cut Flower Code: ZXHD0393

鲜-cut Flower Materials: 19朵红玫瑰+黄莺

鲜-cut Flower Packaging: 绿色纸盒, 浅蓝丝带蝴蝶结

鲜-cut Flower Name: 邂逅浪漫

鲜-cut Flower Code: ZXHD0394

鲜_cut Material: 19朵香槟玫瑰+黄莺+满天星

Package of Fresh Flowers : 牛皮报纸包装, 蝴蝶结, 精美包装

Fresh Flowers Recommendation:

1.Hetian Vow - Code No.:ZXHD0393

Main flowers material is Red Roses + Yellow Bird.

Packing with Green Paper Box and light blue ribbon butterfly knot.

Symbolize the eternal love between two people.

2.Romantic Encounter - Code No.:ZXHD0394

Main flowers material is Champagne Roses + Yellow Bird + Milky Way.

Packing with Leather paper box and bowknot with a beautiful packing style.

In this period of time, when the seven-star festival comes around the corner, we must be well-prepared in order to meet all the needs of our customers at that time.

We have to make sure that there are enough stocks of main flowers materials before hand especially for roses as it will be in high demand during this season.

For avoiding any loss or leak of orders , each large florist should print out all the details about an order once they receive one.

The distribution and organization of materials has to be planned well beforehand so as to avoid any kind of sudden problems which could cause delays in delivery.

During these busy days, it's very important for us to maintain good service attitude towards our customers especially when delivering their orders.

By following these tips we can ensure that our business runs smoothly during this festive season.

Finally I want to recommend some special bouquets for you:

1.The Eternal Promise

*Code Number : ZXHD00393

*Main Material : Red Roses & Yellow Birds

*Packing Style : Green Paper Box & Light Blue Ribbon Butterfly Knot

2.The Romantic Encounter

*Code Number : ZXHD00394

*Main Material : Champagne Roses & Yellow Birds & Milky Way Stars

*Packing Style : Leather Paper Box & Beautiful Bowknot

These bouquets are made up from fresh cut roses and other beautiful flowers carefully selected by experts ensuring a long-lasting impression on your loved ones.

Remember every detail matters!

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