作品阐述:这组作品的最初的想法是,想拉近雕塑与生活的距离,我总觉得表现一件作品,没有真正的现实意义指向,那将是苍白无力的,狗是人类忠实的朋友,可以说是家人,这个系列作品酝酿了许久,包括其中查阅资料和真实的生验,街头上看见无家可归的狗,有残疾的,也有天生缺陷的,这时就有了这种想法,把这种声音传达出来,并深刻的体现了人与自然的关系,达到一个平等的理念。Works of this paper: This piece, the original idea was to reduce the distance of sculpture and life, I always think to perform a piece of work, theres no real practical significance, it will be a pale, a dog is mans faithful friend, can be said to be the family, the series of brewing for a long time, including access to data and the real life experience, saw in the streets and homeless dogs, disabled, also have a natural defect, then had the idea, the voice message, and deeply reflected the relationship between human and nature, to a concept of equality.
指导老师:洪涛、陈连富、吴彤、李遂导师评语:其琛的月光下的忧伤这组作品中蕴含着人与自然不和谐的关系,关注生活,关注当下,体现共同维护自然与和谐相处,这是件有意义的作品,希望他在以后的路越走越好。Teacher comments:The source of moonlight and sadness in this set of works contains the disharmonious relationship between human and nature, pay attention to life, focusing on the present, jointly maintain nature and harmony, it is a meaningful work, hope he in the later road more walk more good.作品材质:
刘其琛,2016年 / 鲁迅美术学院 / 雕塑系