让梅金杰(Jean Metzinger)高清作品Le goampampter (Tea Time)

让·梅金杰(Jean Metzinger)高清作品《去和amp?ter(下午茶)》






这幅画于1911年在巴黎汽车沙龙展出,1912年在巴黎汽车沙龙德拉区展出,1912年由让·梅辛格和阿尔伯特·格莱泽斯在杜·库比西姆复制。第二年,它在纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔的《莱斯·佩因特斯》中重现。这幅画还刊登在Arthur Jerome Eddy的《铜比斯特》和《后印象派》,1914, 1919,赋予了品尝者的资格。安德烈·萨蒙将这幅画命名为“La Joconde du Cubisme”(La Joconde Cubiste),《Mona Lisa of Cubism》(Mona Lisa with茶匙)。《茶时报》远比毕加索和布莱克直到这次为止所创作的画作有名,因为毕加索和布莱克没有在沙龙展出,实际上把自己从公众面前赶走了……对大多数人来说,立体主义的想法实际上与像梅辛格这样的艺术家有关,远不止Picasso。

Title:Le go?ter (Tea Time)

artist:Jean Metzinger


Style:Analytical Cubism


This painting was exhibited in Paris at the Salon dAutomne of 1911, the Salon de la Section dOr, 1912, and reproduced in Du Cubisme, by Jean Metzinger and Albert Gleizes in 1912. The following year it was reproduced in Les Peintres Cubistes by Guillaume Apollinaire. The painting was also published in Arthur Jerome Eddys Cubists and Post-impressionism, 1914, 1919, entitle The Taster. André Salmon dubbed this painting La Joconde du Cubisme (La Joconde Cubiste), The Mona Lisa of Cubism (Mona Lisa with a teaspoon). Tea Time was far more famous than any painting that Picasso and Braque had made up until this time; because Picasso and Braque, by not showing at the Salons, have actually removed themselves from the public... For most people, the idea of Cubism was actually associated with an artist like Metzinger, far more than Picasso.

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