






7.and when we are together, time flies by; I wish you a good night's sleep and sweet dreams, my love.

8.every night, I lie awake thinking of you.

9.may the heavens see my loneliness and send you to me; may life give me hope and nourish your soul in mine; with you by my side, I am truly blessed.

10.it's not that i want to sleep early but i fear that if i don't say it now, my "goodnight" might not reach you in time.

11.eventually, though late, it is the goodnight from someone who has been waiting for you all along.

12.in loving someone as beautiful and kind as you requires a promise that will never fade away; walking through life's storms hand in hand with them is a journey that will last forever; guarding their innocent heart is an eternal duty; making their dreams come true until eternity begins – this is what brings me to say goodnight every day with such emotion.

13.dear one, knowing we can share the same bed and dream under the same roof makes insomnia impossible for me – how about for you?

14.imagine soaking in honey jars or rolling around in butter-filled bread loaves to make delicious dreams come true.

15.please remember: when i'm searching for you, thoughts of explosion fill my mind; without finding you however often i think of it feels stifled inside just waiting for that moment when our hearts can meet again – keep an eye out!

16.i've forgotten to tellyou how lucky i amto have met someone likeyou.late at night before sleeping,

17.there's a kind of time called meetingyou,a sort of love called having onlyyou,a future filled with everythingbeingjustforyou.late at night before sleeping,

18.i'd like to send youthe moonwith gentle wordsand blessingsas sweet as stars.you must remember too: letme know tomorrowthat there'll be some company here waitingfor us.all night long...

19.aftera busy day full of hustleandbustle,i'm exhaustedtoo,yourlove.isitokayifwegetsome rest?maythisnightbeagooddreamforusboth

20.as lazy asi ameven going downthe streetfeelslikean effortbut no matterhowfarIgo,iwanttobeforyouforevermore

21.whatis there todoaboutthelongpassageoftime?your beautygracenesshouldhavesomeonebyyourside.ridethemountaindrinkwineandriderideoffintothenight.togetheralways


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