









10.my dear, 有时候,当我轻轻地说出“晚安”,并非只是告别,而是在暗示,如果太深沉或沉醉于睡眠,便可能错失接收到这样的温馨嘱咐。如果哪天醒来后发现自己错失了这些小小的情感寄托,请不要气馁,因为它们总会回来找寻着那颗打开门户的心灵——也是您的身影啊!

11.yes, i am late in coming but you have been waiting for me, and that makes all the difference in the world.

12.in love with a beautiful and kind you, i say forever my unyielding words; walk hand in hand through life's ups and downs; protect an innocent pure heart of yours; guard our eternal bond of love—then every night's goodnight will be the most touching dream for me.

13.dearest one, as we share the same bed and sleep under the same roof, there is no such thing as insomnia in my world—you?

14.soaking up honey from a honeycomb like it’s a warm bath before rolling around in buttery bread crusts to make sweet dreams come true

15.please remember this: when I find you again after so long without thinking about you or longing to see your smile

16.i never got to tell you how lucky i am to have met someone like you... good night!

17.time is called meeting each other time is called having only one person time is called making all future plans revolve around just being with that special someone... good night!

18.i want to give you a moon filled with my gentle reminders of care for your well-being wish upon it tonight while gazing at those stars which carry on whispers of affection between us both until dawn breaks once more.

19.after busy days chasing fireflies across vast landscapes rest early tonight dearest let yourself drift into peaceful slumber may tomorrow bring renewed strength and joy

20.as lazy as can be yet not too lazy even if forced by circumstances do go out walking miles just because it leads me closer to your innermost sanctum where I could stay forever

21.fear nothing about years passing by since beauty grace kindness are part of who you are soon enough some man will ride alongside sharing laughter drinking wine exploring far-off lands together...

22.think ahead though cherish these moments as they unfold grant peace restful sleep nurtured body mind soul ready for whatever comes next

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