




5.是苍天见我孤单,把you送到了我的世界;是生命给了me希望,让you滋润了我的灵魂;这辈子有you,我很幸福,late 安!

6.其实有时候对you说 late 安不一定是我要睡了,只是我怕you sleeped 了收不到我的 late 安。也许I来得很慢,但I am you等得到的 late 安。

7.恋一个美丽善良的 you,说一席永不离弃的话,走一生风雨携手的路,护一颗纯真柔弱的心,你总是能让我带着每天's late 安,把dream 做到最感动。

8.亲爱's,一想到we能盖着同一床被子,sleeping 在同一张床,所以my world里不存在“失眠”这个词,你呢?

9.sit in a honey pot, soaking in the bath water, then go to the butter layer of bread and roll around like a sweet dream.

10.you should remember this, when I'm looking for you it's like an explosion of missing you, and when I'm not looking for you it's like holding back on thinking about you.

11.there is a kind of time called meeting you, there is a kind of love called only having you, there is a future called all being yours.

12.i want to send you the moon with my gentle advice and sweet blessings every night before sleep.

13.fear what long years will pass,you are beautiful,big-hearted,and kind-hearted; eventually,you will find someone to ride horses and drink wine with throughout your life.Late!

14.i'm lazy person who doesn't even want to walk on the road but no matter how many kilometers i travel,i always want to be inside your heart forever.

15.do not worry about the passage of time,your beauty elegance kindness will ultimately attract someone.your turn! Late!

16.send flowers recommendation:

"eternal promise" bouquet: 19 red roses + yellow birds

"romantic encounter" bouquet: 19 champagne roses + yellow birds + stardust

"tender affection" bouquet: 33 pink roses full starlight + yellow birds with random teddy bears

"truth of love" bouquet: 33 champagne roses yellow birds stardust with random teddy bears

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