









10.告诉you “晚安”并不仅仅是我准备休息的时候说的,它更是一种担忧,一种害怕,如果sleeping的话,或许就不会收到来自我的“晚安”。

11.也许来得有些迟缓,但只要能够成为your late-night wish,即使只是最简单的一句“晚安”,那也是值得努力的一切。

12.you 是这样一种珍贵的人,你让我把每个nighttime 的感动都写进那些“late night thoughts”中,把那些遥远的地方变成近乎触手可及的温暖之地。


14.sleeping in a honeycomb, rolling around in the creamy filling of bread... making sweet dreams.

15.please remember this: when I find you, it's like an explosion of thoughts about you; when I can't find you, it's like holding back my thoughts about you.

16.I've always forgotten to tell you how lucky I am to have met someone as special as you.

17.there is a kind of time called meeting you, a kind of love that only has one person - that person is also all your future.

18.wouldn't it be wonderful if we could send each other moonbeams and starlight? Every night, remember to give me some peace too so i know tomorrow will have your company with me.

19.after running around frantically all day long,your tired body needs rest early on and have a good dream tonight!

20.i'm lazy enough not even to walk down the road but no matter how far i need to go,i want to get into your heart and live there forever!

21.don't worry about the passing years,you're beautiful,tall and generous-hearted,your kindness will eventually attract someone who'll ride horses drink wine with you exploring every corner of this world.Late at Night

22.in days ahead full of hope for us two,closing eyes early for sleep may bring peaceful slumber.calmly drift off into dreamland while nurturing our strength for another crazy day ahead.late at Night

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