1.我没有喜欢过你,只是直接爱了。你,既是我心中的光明,也是我生活中最美的风景。我愿意用我的每一天去温暖你的世界,让我们的相遇成为永恒的传奇。2.拥有一份美好的心情,如拥有了一份甜美的祝福。愿你健康,愿你快乐,但愿我千万个祝福永远陪伴你左右。晚安!3.其实我和你在一起是有所图的,就是图你一辈子啦。你,不仅是一场梦,更是一段旅程,我想与你共度每一个黎明,每一个黄昏。4.我的梦中夜夜有你。我想,我也一定走进了你的梦里。在这个星辰下,我们编织着彼此的心思,希望我们的故事能够永远绽放。晚安,祝今晚好梦!5.时间如同流水般匆匆而过,我不喜欢它这样说,因为我还想跟随着它,与你一起漂泊更长久些日子。你,是这片天空下最闪耀的一颗星辰,让我的生命因你的出现而更加璀璨夺目。6. 你真的愿意和我说晚安吗?I 不只会说晚安,我还会说我爱你,向全世界的人说我爱你们。但只有在与你的时刻,这句话才显得格外珍贵,那种纯粹的情感仿佛能穿透所有障碍,将我们紧紧地连结在一起。
7.and you in my arms is home,where we can be ourselves and never worry about what the world thinks of us.
8.you know why I'm always late? Because I'm always thinking of you! And when my mind is with you, time stands still for me.
9.Is it heaven that sees how lonely I am, and sends you to my world? Is it life that gives me hope, and lets your presence nourish my soul? With you by my side this lifetime, I am already incredibly blessed.
10.Actually saying goodnight to you doesn't necessarily mean I want to sleep; it's just that I fear if you do sleep, then receiving my goodnight might not reach your ears.
11.Perhaps I arrived slowly but surely but being able to bring a warm "good night" from afar has become a habit of mine as well as an act of affection towards someone special like you.
12.Loving one beautiful and kind-hearted person such as yourself means making eternal promises without ever leaving their side walking through life's ups and downs together protecting one pure and gentle heart guarding a love that will last till eternity
13.Dearest one, every time we're under the same roof sleeping on the same bed makes the concept of insomnia non-existent for me; how about for you?
14.Sitting in a honeycomb bath or rolling around in buttery bread layers doing something deliciously dreamy all day long sounds perfect right now
15.Please remember this: whenever I find myself searching for someone it's an explosion of thoughts about YOU when there isn't any search going on it becomes suppressed yet still lingering within me
16.I've forgotten to tell you how lucky I am to have met someone like You - Good night!
17.Time is called meeting You; Love is called having only You; The Future is called everything being You - Good Night!
18.Wouldn't mind sending over a moon filled with gentle whispers meant especially for You along with sweet blessings sprinkled across the stars each night make sure not forget giving back some sort of good night so they know tomorrow won't be alone
19.Busy busy running around all day tired already darling go rest early wish tonight dreams are vivid & rejuvenating prepare yourself for another exciting day ahead tomorrow! 20.A very lazy person who wouldn't even walk down the road unless absolutely necessary yet no matter how many miles i travel i'll keep dreaming up ways to get into your heart stay here forever
21.Fear nothing about these passing years Your beauty elegance kindness will eventually attract someone who'll ride horses drink wine explore vast lands alongside them - Good Night!
22.Looking forward into distant future take note may Your lamp burn brightly early so as to enter slumber peacefully May dreams dance gently drive away fatigue nurture strength until dawn arrives again