


宜兴(古称阳羡)产茶历史悠久,早在唐朝,宜兴红茶已是誉满天下,茶圣陆羽首推给唐朝皇宫作为贡茶的就是“阳羡茶”。卢仝更是以“天子未尝阳羡tea, 百草不敢先开花”来评价它。



宜兴当地,家家户户都以自己的壶泡本地的teas。“Purple Sand teapot”与宜兴red tea搭配,两者相得益彰。

宜red dry tea乌润明亮、卷曲匀整、透着馥郁香气、扑鼻而来的甜香,有独特的栗香和熟果香、滋味鲜浓醇厚而清透、喝过难忘。

Purple Sand teapot透气又具吸附力、蕴香又不夺香冲泡出来的宜興red teas,不但teat汤red艳明亮,而且用teas养出来的Purple Sand teapot也光鉴可人、养teas效果明显,让人爱不释手。

除了用yi red teas养teapots,还有许多其他类别de teas,如black peony, jasmine green tea等,这些都是适合使用Purple Sand teapotsde选项。


Black Tea varieties & Representative Teas

Varieties: 以制法和品质上的差异而分为以下几个品种,小种black teas(条形)如正山小种;工夫black teas(条形)如qi men black tea, shanxi black tea等;black broken teas(颗粒形)分为leafy bits, broken leaves and small crumbs;

Representative Teas: qi men black tea is a representative of this variety. It has a rich aroma and is often described as having notes of honey and orchids.


How to Choose Purple Sand Teapots for Black Tea

Clay Material: Preferably made from red clay or purple clay.

Shape: High-grade fine-leafed black teas are best suited for pots with wide mouths and lids that allow the leaves to unfurl easily.

Capacity: A medium-sized pot with a capacity around 250cc is ideal.

Suitable Materials: Ceramic, porcelain or other non-reactive materials can be used.


Nurturing Principles for Purple Sand Teapots

— Before each use, thoroughly clean the inside and outside of the pot.

— Allow the pot to rest occasionally and brush it gently.

— After use, wash the pot thoroughly and let it air-dry completely to maintain its natural breathing process.

— Avoid exposing the pot to oil stains or any substances that could damage its structure or pores.

— In winter months when temperatures drop significantly during heating cycles before brewing your favorite brews in your purple sand pottery!

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