这便是我想要的生活。如果我有间花店,就开在街角,每天卖花同时销售幸福,可以亲自送走每个拿着花带着笑脸的人。我收集清晨露珠,与紫罗兰一同调色,那会是一种天然至纯颜料。用这颜料装饰店门口长椅,让经过这街角的人都能看到。我将用心感受每朵花绽放生命力,倾听买 花人背后的故事,幻想每一束未来的模样,无论是顺路家庭主妇还是害羞腼腆高中生,我都耐心跟他们介绍每一束美丽如同介绍孩子一般。当然,也把自己的故事分享给他们好让他们明白,这家老板也是真性情爱好的爱者。
如果我有间 flower shop, I would be the happiest person in the world. I won't compare or flaunt myself. I don't worry about flower shop costs nor the price difference with flower markets. Every flower at my shop is a masterpiece and precious time from our skilled florists.
Florists respect their customers even more so themselves. So it's difficult to find courage to admire oneself alone like a desert rose, blooming on an uninhabited sand hill without pleasing others but only for personal admiration.
If I had a flower shop, if you could come visit, and we could meet there among the flowers...