毕业设计选择了陕西非物质文化遗产—安塞民间绘画作为此次设计的主体和切入点。我们将安塞民间绘画的图形元素进行保留,加入设计元素,在色彩上采用饱和度更高的颜色,加强视觉效果。在传统的非遗生产性项目的合理利用方面融入现代的设计理念,关注到当代人的审美心理和审美观念。在思路上一手坚守传统,一手面向现代。赢得年青一代人的喜爱,从而在现代市场竞争中占有一席之地The graduation design chose shaanxi intangible cultural heritage - ansai folk painting as the main body and entry point of this design. We reserve the graphic elements of the folk paintings of ansai, add the design elements, use more saturation color in color, and enhance the visual effect. The modern design concept is integrated into the rational utilization of traditional non-legacy productive projects, and the aesthetic psychology and aesthetic concepts of contemporary people are concerned. We have a tradition in our thinking and a modern one. To win the love of the younger generation, and thus occupy a place in the modern market competition. 作品《遗²》由作者张馨元、刘婷共同完成二等奖
指导教师:李冠林、张犁安塞农民画以构图饱满,想象力丰富以及明亮的色彩搭配而著称,目前也面临着活态传承与发展的现实问题。这组同学通过分析安塞农民画的艺术特征,对经典造型和配色进行解构,并利用现代设计理念创作出保留安塞农民画特征的全新图形,为后续衍生设计奠定了基础。这是一次传统工艺创造性转化和创新性发展的探索。It is famous for its full composition, rich imagination and bright color collocation. It is also facing the realistic problems of living state inheritance and development. This group of students through the analysis of the artistic features of ansai farmer paints, to deconstruct classical modelling and color matching, and use the modern design concept to create retains the characteristics of ansai farmer paints new graphics, laid the foundation for subsequent derivative design. This is an exploration of the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional craft.
张馨元,2017年 / 西安美术学院 / 设计系