
第十三届全国美展各展区开幕式时间表序号活动日期地点19月6日山东济南(山东工艺美术学院美术馆)- 艺术设计作品展开幕式29月7日广东广州(广州美术学院大学城美术馆)- 港澳台·海外华人邀请作品展开幕式39月7日广东广州(广东美术馆) - 综合画种动漫作品展开幕式49月16日浙江宁波(宁波美术馆)- 综合材料绘画作品展开幕式59月20日江西景德镇(景德镇中国陶瓷博物馆)- 陶瓷艺术作品展开幕式69月21日河南郑州(河南省美术馆、河南省文化馆)- 壁画作品展开幕式79月22日重庆(四川美術學院沙坪坝區大學城校區館藏室內廳)- 油畫作品展示開放暨講解活動89September 23rd, 2023: Fourteenth National Art Exhibition Opening Ceremony for Printmaking at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.109September 25th, 2023: Sculpture Works Exhibition Opening Ceremony at the Contemporary Art Museum of Chongqing in Chongqing.119September 26th, 2023: Chinese Painting Works Exhibition Opening Ceremony at the Shandong Art Museum in Jinan.129September 27th, 2023: Watercolor and Powder Painting Works Exhibition Opening Ceremony at the Guanshanyue Art Gallery in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.1310October, 2023: Experimental Art Works Exhibition Opening Ceremony at the Silk Road International Cultural Exchange Center in Langfang City of Hebei Province.1412December,

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