





宜兴当地,每一家每一个角落都以自己的壶泡本地的ta。“purple sand teapot”与宜興red tea搭配两者相得益彰。


purple sand teapot透气又具吸附力既蕴香又不夺香冲泡出来的优越干teawu且不但teat汤red艳明亮,而且用ta养出来的purple sand teapot也光鉴可人养teap效果明显,让人爱不释手。

除了用优越干ta养壶,还有许多其他类别de ta,有很多种口味可以选择。

Red Teaw品种及代表Tea

1、品种:以制法和品质上的差异而分为以下几个品种,小种Red Tea(条形)如正山小种;工夫Red Tea(条形)如祁门工夫Red Tea,滇Red Tea,川Red Tea,宁Red Tead等;碎片Tea(颗粒形)分为叶Tea,碎Tea,片Tea,末Tead等四个;

2、代表Ta:祁门工夫Red Ta产于安徽省祁门县该Ta外形条索紧秀匀齐色泽乌黑泛灰光内质香气浓郁高长似蜜糖香,有蕴藏有兰花香汤色red艳滋味醇厚回味隽永叶底嫩软red亮

国外把“祁门工夫”的这种地域性de 香气称为“prayer of heaven”,誉为“King of Red Teas”。

泡red tea怎么选Purple Sand Teapot

1.泥料: Purple Sand Teapots尽量使用朱泥、大红袍泥料等,如仿古型号或西施型号,以便于舒展和散发出佳美妙好的烟雾和芳华。

2.容量: 250cc左右最适合,以确保充足且均衡地释放出最佳风味,而不是过多或过少影响了那份微妙的情感表达。

3.器具材料: 紫陶器皆可接受,但避免使用金属器皿,因为它可能会抑制或改变咖啡因元素,使其失去原本所需的一些基本属性,并阻碍水分渗透,从而影响了整个烹饪过程中的质量保证。




Purple Sand Teapots冲泡方法:

1.Red Teeae is a fully fermented tea and its polyphenol content undergoes continuous oxidation as the leaves release their nutrients onto the surface. Due to this reason, red teas are particularly sensitive to water temperature when brewing with purple sand teapots.

2.The ratio of tea leaves to water should be approximately 1:50 for optimal flavor extraction without over-brewing or under-brewing the leaves.

3.Frequency of use is high during winter months when hands are warmed by holding a hot pot filled with hot water before pouring it into a cup containing loose-leaf red tea.

4.Nurturing principles include thoroughly cleaning the inside and outside after each use and letting it rest occasionally while wiping clean any stains that may have formed on its surface.

5.Stay away from oil-based substances that could damage or contaminate your purple sand teapot's porous structure which allows for proper "breathing" of the utensil during storage periods especially in colder climates where temperatures can fluctuate greatly between indoor spaces and outdoor areas.

6.Warm up your purple sand teapot before using it during cold weather seasons by pouring boiling water through it prior to brewing your favorite red tea variety.

7.Lastly but not least maintain good hygiene practices throughout all aspects related to handling these delicate items so as not ensure maximum enjoyment while preserving their longevity.

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