1.我从不曾真心喜欢过你,只是直接爱上了你。2.拥有美好心情,如同拥有一份甜蜜的祝福。我愿你的健康与快乐永远伴随着我的千万个祝福。你晚安!3.其实,我和你在一起,是有所图的,仅仅是图你一辈子。4.梦中夜夜有你的画面。我想,或许我也悄然走进了你的梦境。愿我们在同一片星空下编织我们的思念!今晚好梦,晚安!5.你总说时间过得很快,我却不喜欢这样,因为我还想与你共度更多时光。6.真的,你会对我说晚安吗?不只是晚安,我还会告诉全世界,我爱你。你知道吗?7.and when we're together, time flies so fast; I wish you a good night's sleep and sweet dreams, for I can't be there to keep you company until morning comes again.
8.you know why i'm always awake at night? it's because i can't stop thinking of you! goodnight! 9.heavens above saw my loneliness and sent you into my world; life gave me hope, and your presence nourished my soul; with you by my side, i am truly blessed – goodnight! 10.sometimes saying "goodnight" to you isn't just about me going to sleep... it's because i don't want the night to pass without hearing from me first.
11.maybe i'm late in arriving, but here's your goodnight – one that will stay with you until dawn breaks again tomorrow morning. 12.to love someone as beautiful and kind as you requires an eternal promise never to leave their side; through all the ups and downs of life, hand in hand we'll walk this road together; guarding the pure-hearted girl who has captured our souls – tonight may your dreams be filled with joy and peace.
13.dear one, knowing that we share the same bed means there is no such thing as insomnia for us – not while we are under the same roof together... or is it?
14.after bathing in honey jars like a queen bee or rolling around in buttery bread like a pampered cat, let us dream of sweet treats tonight.
15.please remember this: whenever i search for you (and trust me when those moments come), it feels like an explosion of longing within me... but when we're apart? The ache only grows stronger still.
16.i've forgotten to tellyou how luckyi amto have found someone likeyou - thank goodnessfor another day ahead!
17.time becomes meeting-you-timewhen-i-think-of-you-and-it-all-comes-together-like-a-masterpieceof-art-and-lifefor-us-forever-more
19.a-long-day-of-rushing-around-leaves-me-tired-but-knowing-you-will-rest-soon-is-the-best-reward-for-me -may-your-night-be-filled-with-dreams-that-bring-you-happiness
20.as lazyas-i-am-even-the-path-before-me-seems-too-long-but-no-distance-can-stopme-from-reachingyourheart-wheremy-home-is
22.thoughts-of-a-long-future-ahead-fill-my-heartwith-contentment,maythe-light-underneathyour-pillow guideyouinto-an-even-deeper-sleep-tonight,sweetdreams