
1.我没有喜欢过你,只是直接爱了。你,既是我心中的春天,也是我生活中最美的风景。我愿意用我的每一分每一秒去温柔地对待你,用我的每一个梦想去守护你。2.拥有一份美好的心情,如拥有了一份甜美的祝福。愿你的健康如同春日的阳光一样明媚,愿你的快乐如同盛开的花朵一样灿烂。但愿我千万个祝福永远陪伴你左右,就像春节那般团圆和欢乐。晚安!3.其实我和你在一起是有所图的,就是图你一辈子啦。在这个充满希望和祝福的社会里,我只想要与你共度这漫长人生旅程,与你携手走过无数个春节,让我们的爱情故事在时光里绘就永恒。4.我的梦中夜夜有你。我想,我也一定走进了你的梦里。在这个特别的夜晚,你是否也能感受到我们之间那份难以言喻的情感?愿我们在同一星空下编织思念,就像春节期间家人相聚那样温馨和谐。晚安,祝今晚好梦!5. 你总说时间过得很快,我不喜欢你这样说,因为我还想跟你在一起好久好久。在这个快速流逝的人生旅途上,我们要珍惜每一次相遇,每一次深情的话语,就像春节前的准备工作那样细致周到。6. 你真的愿意和我说晚安吗?我不只会说晚安,我还会说我爱你,向全世界的人说我爱you。这就是我们的承诺,在任何时候、任何地方都不会改变,这正如新的一年里我们对未来充满期待一样坚定无畏。7. 和你在一起的时候,觉得时间过得很快,但不能在你身边陪着您安睡,是因为这种感觉太珍贵了。如果可以的话,请允许这份感情成为您今后的常客,就像春节期间家人的团聚一样温暖而持久。不论何时何地,请记得,有人一直关注着您的幸福,一直等待着与您的重逢。而现在,对于这样的机会,即使是在寒冷冬夜,也请允许它点亮您的心房,使您的心灵得到慰藉。

8.you know why i'm always late? Because i always think of you and can't sleep! Late 安!9.is the heavens seen my loneliness, sending you to my world; is life giving me hope, making you nourish my soul; as long as there is you in this life, I am very happy.Late 安!

10.Actually, sometimes saying good night to you doesn't mean I want to sleep; it's just that I'm afraid if you fall asleep, I won't be able to receive your good night.Late 安!

11.Maybe i come too slowly, but i am the one who sends your good night.Late 安!

12.Falling in love with a beautiful and kind girl like you means promising her forever words and walking a lifelong journey with her together; guarding a pure and delicate heart of hers; keeping a segment of sky-and-earth-long-lasting affection for her,you are always able to make me bring every day's good night until the most moving dream.

13.Dear ones, whenever we can snuggle up under the same blanket and lie on the same bed so that there isn't any word called "insomnia" in our world,your turn?

14.Take a bath in honeycomb then roll around in buttercream-filled bread loaf for an even more delicious dream.

15.Please remember this: when looking for me is like exploding with how much i miss u without finding u is like holding back from thinking about u.u

16.I've forgotten to tell u how lucky I am - meeting someone like U.Last 安!

17.There's such time as encountering U ;there's such love as only having U ;there's such future as all being U.Last 安!

18.Wanting to give You moonlight & soft wishes Wanting To give You starlight & sweet blessings Every evening Remember Also Give Me One Word Of Good Night So That You Know Tomorrow There Will Be Someone Accompanying You.

19.Worked hard busy busy tired tired through wind wind fire fire non-stop tonight dear rest early wish You A Dreamless Sleep Last An 20.A lazy person wouldn't bother going out doors but no matter how far miles away would go just so they could get into Your Heart live here forever 21.Fear not years passing by since beauty elegance virtue kindness will eventually have someone accompany ride horse drink wine roam four directions Late An

22.Future days are long let alone thinking about it May Your Beauty grandeur generosity ultimately meet someone accompany horseback ride wine-drinking roaming four horizons Last An

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